North Hinksey CE School

North Hinksey CE Primary School

Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2, we spend our mornings on Maths, English, Reading and Spelling. In the afternoon, we move onto the wider curriculum subjects, including twice weekly PE slots and weekly Art and French. The remaining foundation subjects are taught in blocks so that we are able to fully immerse ourselves in our learning and gain a deep understanding and exploration of each area. 

PE days are as follows:

Year 3 – Monday and Friday

Year 4 – Tuesday and Friday (Swimming)

Year 5 – Monday and Friday

Year 6 – Monday and Tuesday

We're really fortunate to have access to Sports Coaching sessions during the year and your child may have impromptu PE lessons throughout the year. They will not need PE kit for these lessons.

Coming up:

  • Wednesday 6th March - Open Morning 8.40 - 9.10am 
  • Thursday 7th March - World Book Day & Storytelling Festival 
  • Tuesday 19th March - Year 3 & 4 Performance 5.30pm

Year 3 / 4 Year Plan 2023-24

Year 5 / 6 year Plan 2023-24

To contact the Key Stage 2 teachers, please email