North Hinksey CE School

North Hinksey CE Primary School


At North Hinksey we believe that reading is the foundation of our school curriculum.  It provides our children with an essential life skill that they need to unlock learning and succeed in their future life.  We endeavour to provide children with access to quality real texts and inspiring learning opportunities that foster a desire to read for pleasure.  Teaching children to become fluent readers is a huge part of what we do.  We adopt a synthetic phonics reading scheme (Read Write Inc) which helps children to have the best possible start with this journey. Children have book bag books, banded readers and free readers all which are aimed at consolidating learning and providing challenge in an appropriate, engaging and fun way.

The children revisit the following threshold concepts as part of our spiral curriculum:

  • Read words accurately

This concept involves decoding and fluency.

  • Understand texts

This concept involves understanding both the literal and more subtle nuances of texts










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